5 Telltale Signs Your Network Cabling Requires an Upgrade

5 Telltale Signs Your Network Cabling Requires an Upgrade

Most companies rely on technology to increase their productivity and maximise efficiency. For this reason, they create extensive networks that allow them to quickly and easily access and share data, collaborate with colleagues, automate processes, and streamline operations. Without these networks, a company could not effectively manage its operations and communicate with employees, customers, and…

Why Keeping the Server Room Clean Is Important

Why Keeping the Server Room Clean Is Important

Many businesses rely on the internet to power their operations. For these companies, their server room is vital, as it stores a lot of essential data. Unfortunately, due to limited access, it is not uncommon for server rooms to be neglected and left unclean. This can lead to various issues, from decreased efficiency to system…

Reasons to Use a Professional Data Centre Cleaning Service

Reasons to Use a Professional Data Centre Cleaning Service

A data centre cleaning service can help keep your facility clean and organized, while also reducing the risk of data breaches and other security threats. If you are looking for a reliable company that offers this service, this blog post will shed light on why your company will benefit from hiring a professional data centre…

5 Tips to Improve the Performance of Your Wireless Network
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5 Tips to Improve the Performance of Your Wireless Network

Do you find your wireless network isn’t working as well as it should be? If so, you’re not the only one. Many wireless networks can be slow or break down temporarily. This might be a waste of time. However, you may be able to improve the performance of your wireless network by making a few…

Instances Where It Is More Applicable to Use a Wired Connection

Instances Where It Is More Applicable to Use a Wired Connection

Due to the advent of the internet in the modern world, more and more people are relying on wireless connections nowadays. Why wouldn’t they? Besides the fact that it is more convenient, it also enables everyone to access their favourite apps and websites, even without the help of a cable line. That being said, there…

How an Optimized IT Structure Benefits Your Business

How an Optimized IT Structure Benefits Your Business

Are you using cloud computing to optimize your IT infrastructure? If not, you’re missing out on a tremendous opportunity through network cabling. One good reason to make the switch is that it offers the following benefits: Less Downtime When your network cabling faces downtime, outages, or failures, your business risks losing money and falling behind….

Which One Wins a Bandwidth Content: Fibre or Copper?

Which One Wins a Bandwidth Content: Fibre or Copper?

Should you choose fibre optic cabling or copper connectivity for your business internet? Both fibre and copper offer an abundance of bandwidth for your business, but some differences to consider. First, it’s essential to understand that demand for bandwidth increases every 18 months, which means whatever type of business internet you choose should be able…

Tips to Tidy Up and Manage Your Server Room and Cables

Tips to Tidy Up and Manage Your Server Room and Cables

As a server houses all the data running through the network of your business or organization, there are multiple cables that need to connect to your server room. This can include network cabling, fibre optic cables, etc.  The sheer amount of cables can make it challenging to manage your server room into a cohesive and…

The Differences Between Wired and Wireless Networks
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The Differences Between Wired and Wireless Networks

The question of which is better between wired and wireless networks has debated for as long as anyone can remember. Some people choose a wired network, while others go for a wireless network. To learn more about the two, and what sets them apart from each other, read on below. Wired and Wireless Networks: An…